Friday, August 05, 2011

Where I've Been

As you can see, blogging has been on the back burner for me lately. This is due to a number of factors. One is that I'm using my morning time for reading my Bible instead of blogging. From a pure GTD perspective, I should do my Bible reading at lunch, but I'd rather start with Scripture. I'm still doing Professor Horner's plan and I still really like it.

Another reason is that I have little time in the evenings. Since graduating from seminary I have tried to spend more consistent time with my wife. Lately that means the hyper-spiritual activity of watching every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation with her. We're halfway through season 3 of 7 now. We're enjoying it, but that does detract from my free time. I think I will plan on one or two nights/week where we don't do it going forward.

The biggest reason is that I haven't had to. I've now preached two Sundays at Piney Plains Christian Church. I will be preaching this Sunday, Lord willing as well as next Sunday. I have used this blog as an outlet for my need to teach. Preaching fulfills that nicely.

So let me ask you, dear reader (if any are out there), does it matter to you if this blog stays alive? I will write if anyone is out there to read it, but I am not going to worry so much about it if nobody cares to read what I'm writing. I do like having this blog as a devotional exercise to journal about what I read each day, so I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons.

Does anyone care? Leave a comment. I realize that this is basically a plea to see if I'm one of the cool kids. I won't ever be Tim Challies nor do I want to be. But I'm just curious if anyone is out there.


JSA said...

I always read and enjoy your posts. I've admired the focus, constrained scope, and clear thinking. However, I think it's best to blog for yourself and not for others, so I wouldn't think less of you if your priorities shift.

For a more current TV series to watch with your wife, might I recommend "Big Bang Theory"?

Jason said...

Thanks brother. It's good to know someone is out there.

We watch Star Trek through Netflix streaming and particularly enjoy Capt. Picard. Besides the fact that Patrick Stewart's acting is what holds some episodes together, the character himself is an excellent example of leadership.