Thursday, June 28, 2007

Super Size Me

I finally got around to seeing this movie. I've got to say that it had a fairly profound impact on me. I serve as the director of a ministry helping people overcome gluttony for God's glory. However, somehow seeing all this on film made things hit home even more deeply.

There were two particularly poignant parts in this movie for me. One was where he interviewed a very overweight 14 year-old girl named Victoria. They had just seen Jared of Subway fame give a motivational talk. The problem with Jared's talk is that he lost weight by making a decision not to be such a glutton anymore. This poor girl was choking back tears as she explained that it's not that easy. I think Ephesians 2 would bear this out.

Another was with the editor of Reason magazine who told a story about a dinner party. He said that someone was allowed to criticize a smoker for the damage he was doing to his own health and the smoker just had to take it because he knew the guy was right. However, there was also a very obese woman at the table and no one said anything to her. Very interesting.

My theory is that we don't address gluttony because it's a sin we can't hide. I was pretty good at hiding my sexual sin, but my belly was out there for all to see. Now that I go to a seminary filled with baptists I can see a double-standard in action. I see a lot of men who would not be seen dead drinking alcohol. However, many of them clearly have no problem taking thirds at the potluck. I don't want to condemn these guys because we all have sin, but I do think that it should make us all examine our legalism.

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