Saturday, January 19, 2008

Proper Grammar

We're reading a book on linguistics by David Allan Black for our fourth semester of Greek. I read something in the first chapter that I think is worth blogging on. In fact, that last sentence really speaks to this truth.

He makes the point that sociolinguistics doesn't care about what is "proper". Grammar books may define proper, but in "real life" what works for communication is proper. I think of the famous Winston Churchill line that he delivered after being challenged regarding a dangling preposition in which he said, "Madam, that is the sort of nonsense up with which I shall not put." In other words, there are plenty of idiomatic phrases that are just fine. "Ain't" may seem abhorrent to the proper grammarian, but it is not truly improper if it communicates meaning clearly to the intended audience.

It's something to think about since I have been known to be a bit of a grammar snob at times. I also find that all this Greek study has changed the way I speak English. Although my speech may be more "proper" it is also a bit highfalutin too. That doesn't really help me to win friends and influence people.

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