Friday, April 27, 2007

Back in Action

I do apologize for the delay between posts. What has happened since my last post? Plenty:

- I took my Systematic Theology final. I think I did well enough to get an A in the class. Time will tell.

- Amanda and I went to Charleston. I'll write more on Charleston later, but it was a great trip no matter where we went. I think that we set a record for the amount of talking we did in a 3-day period. We didn't even turn the radio on while going down, despite having some new CDs to listen to.

- I went back to work. This has been kind of anticlimactic. I guess it's good to be back in the routine.

- I chatted with an old coworker about the Bible. He goes to a Unitarian Church, but is interested in the Bible as an historical document. I remember starting out that way...

- I found out that my manager's manager is leaving the Bank. This could potentially be a good thing. I'm kind of excited to see how things shake out.

- Amanda had a good OB appointment today. Sweet Pea's heartbeat sounds good. Amanda had to drink some kind of glucose solution and they are going to measure her sugars. Hopefully all is well. July 17 looms closer and closer each day!

I'm trying to sort out how to spend my time this summer. I want to relax a little bit, but I also want to make sure I stay on top of things like my Greek. I also see the need to get ahead for my upcoming class in June on Missions and Evangelism. We have a Piper book to read that looks promising. I'm going to make that the "dessert" after I read the thick book on Missiology. The important thing is to get on it and keep plodding along.

- My small group discussed 1 Corinthians 7 last night. We have 2 guys who are happily married (me included), 3 guys who are divorced, 1 guy who is dealing with some stuff in his marriage, 1 who is legally separated, and 1 who is separated because his wife is out to get him for some reason. It was cool to discuss this chapter and see what the Bible has to say about divorce (hint: God isn't fond of it).

1 comment:

Mark said...

Hey man, "Let The Nations Be Glad" is one of my favorites! It continues to guide me. I'm just curious, have you guys used a book called "Transforming Mission" by Bosche? Whoa.

Hope you guys are doing great these days! Praying for that little boy who's on the way! -Mark