Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A 9/11 Dichotomy

I heard an interesting interview on NPR today. They were talking to a retired Army specialist who had served in Iraq and spent some time in the Walter Reed hospital after being wounded. They asked him his overall thoughts on the conflict. On one hand, he doesn't ever want to see another flag-draped coffin arrive in the States. On the other, he doesn't want all of the sacrifice already done to be in vain.

What gets me is that the people who thought that the war was a good idea in the first place now want to create a power vacuum there and have us come home. They want for us not to finish what we started. That seems patently ridiculous to me.

On the other hand, I know from my bible that there is never going to be peace in that region. But does that mean we shouldn't do what we can right now? Should we just abandon the area? I don't think so.

Lord Jesus, come quickly!

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