Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Comedy of Errors

I had a unique opportunity to shine today because I got to work on the Bank president's blackberry. I had done this process twice before and I thought that I had ironed out all the kinks. Unfortunately, all the things that could go wrong did. What's worse is that most of the problems were caused by me not thinking things through. I'm glad that he is one of the most gracious executives that anyone could possibly hope to work for. I don't know if he's a Christian, but he sure seemed like it.

As I finished what I thought was my last interaction with him I hung up the phone and thought, "I'm glad that I don't care about my career here." It just felt like one of those career limiting moves today.

I'm on call this week and it also happens to be my first week of classes. As happened last year, I got paged during my Greek class. I was very glad for a coworker who was able to check things out for me until I got home. It was also good that we didn't do much in class and I got home early. I'm still dealing with this problem, but at least I'm home to address it.

While I was going through the technical problems this morning I prayed for things to go well, but if they didn't that I would learn what I need to learn through this experience. I'm still waiting to figure that out.

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