Friday, December 12, 2008

No More Offering

Hebrews 10:18
(18) Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin.

Do you believe this truth? I mean, do you really believe it? The reason I ask is because I don't think I really do. I keep trying to make offering for my sin. I think that I need to adjust the cosmic balance where God is weighing my good deeds against my bad. I feel like I need to "make up" for the times when I sin.

Can you relate? Do you find yourself unconsciously doing that? It certainly isn't something I do intentionally, but it happens nonetheless.

This verse reminds us of how useless that is. We cannot ever make up for our mistakes. Christ paid it all for our sin. How do we react to that truth?

First, we must avoid licentiousness. Christ did not die so that we could live in wanton sin.

Second, we must still pursue holiness. To be content with our condition is just another form of licentiousness.

Let's reflect on what Christ's sacrifice really means to us. The next time I read Leviticus I plan to do it with Hebrews in mind. Compare that system to Christ's. There really is no comparison, is there?

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