Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Feeling Strange

I have a strange sick feeling in my stomach. Maybe it's because I stayed up too late last night playing old Commodore 64 video games. I was inspired after bringing my old computer home from my mom's. I got up and did my lifting today, but maybe that threw me off.

Maybe it's because a coworker wrote a long rebuttal to a John Piper article that I like. His view of salvation is very different from mine and he seems very set in his beliefs. I don't think there's any point in discussing it because he can beat me over the head with Scripture until the cows come home. It's definitely challenged me, but I still see things in the same way, despite what he wrote.

Maybe it's because my cubemate has his last day today. He has become one of my best friends at the Bank and I typically enjoy our conversations. I'm going to be very sad to see him go. But I'm also happy for him because of the new life he's starting out in Washington. I also hope that we can visit him someday!

Maybe it's because I'm coming down from my conference. All of this stuff here at the office seems like "vanity" as Solomon would put it. I need to get some gumption, though I have done a few things today.

Maybe it's because Amanda and Lily are on their way to Pennsylvania today. They won't be back until next Thursday, Lord willing. That means I have 9 more nights and mornings by myself. I'm not looking forward to that.

Maybe it's because I just want to curl up with my book that I need to finish for my class. I just want to get it done.

Whatever it is, I don't feel so great today. I think I have that good kind of hunger in my gut now. I'd better make good use of it.

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