Friday, July 06, 2007


I realize that I am married to one of the world's champion readers. Amanda just devours books. There was a time when I decided to read War and Peace as kind of a lark. I read it on my Handspring PDA that I used at the time. It turns out it is a fascinating book and totally engaging -- sort of a Tom Clancy meets Jane Austen. I got Amanda to read it and I think she probably could have read it more than twice in the time it took me to read it once. Then again, once she is hooked on a book she is as bad as I am with a video game. She hates to put it down.

I admit to being a tad envious of her. There are so many books out there that are worth reading. Many are books that I would fundamentally agree with, but I'd also like to read more from authors with whom I disagree. For example, I've really enjoyed reading McLaren as I learn more about the emerging church. A great thing about reading the other viewpoint is that I get a better understanding of why they believe what they believe. That helps me to relate to them better as men and as Christians.

I just wish that I had more hours in the day sometimes. At least I'm doing well on the first few days of my new Bible reading plan. And I'm stoked that I was able to get a very small copy of the ESV (mine is burgundy) for $10 at a local Christian bookstore. I've wanted something smaller than my massive study Bible for a while now. It's always fun to get a new Bible. Try as I might, I just can't get into doing all my reading on my PDA anymore. It is awfully convenient, but I like seeing the pages better.

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