Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Feeling the Crunch

I'm at one of those crunch times in the semester. I have a Hebrew exam on Monday and a New Testament exam on Tuesday. I'm also trying to get a draft of my paper done by Tuesday so that my professor has time to review it and give me feedback. The paper might not happen.

I woke up with kind of a stiff neck. I think I was clenching my jaw all night. Plus, I had a dream that I was in a class with my Hebrew professor (though it may not have been Hebrew) and he was talking about the paper we had to do in that class. Talk about a nightmare!

The good news is that things will get significantly easier in 3 weeks. I turn in my paper on election day, so all I'll have to do then is keep up with my classes. That isn't too difficult.

Fortunately I have started writing my paper. I'm on page 4 (out of 15-20 pages) and I have most of the Bibliography written. Now I just need to do some organizing of my material so I can write. I actually find writing to be the easiest part of the process. If the material is organized the paper pretty much writes itself.

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