Friday, October 24, 2008

Negative Positive News

I submitted a sample to the urologist's office. Of course, this is a lot more fun than other samples you have to submit in your medical lifetime. It's a fun time of team-building in a marriage.

We fully expected it to be negative because we've made a point of flushing out the system, as it were. However, it was positive. It was nice of them even to test because I'm only 84 days removed from my surgery instead of the 90 that they require. Still, I didn't think it would matter because we really have made an effort to clean the pipes. I sure hope that the procedure "took" and I don't have to go under the clamps again.

I'm only blogging about this because of what the lab tech told me on the phone. She told me to come back in mid-late November. Her advice was "to be sure to ejaculate at least twice a day."

I hope that this isn't too much gutter talk for this blog. However, I think this should give just about any guy out there a chuckle. Amanda was surprised, but not inspired.

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