Saturday, July 04, 2009


For this year's holiday weekend service our church showed us a video from Craig Groeschel about "It." He described "It" as a kind of nebulous spiritual experience that some churches have and some don't. My take is that "It" comes from a church where people are really committed to the gospel in their own lives and the world.

What really convicted me was his fourth point that your church cannot have "It" if you do not have "It." This is under the idea that you can't lead people somewhere you haven't gone. I agree with that.

It really convicted me about where I've been for a long time now. Pretty much ever since I first learned about the Emergent movement I've been much more intellectual about my faith. I think that is a good thing to a degree, but it shouldn't be to the detriment of emotion. I remember how fired up I was back in 2002 and 2003. I was pretty obnoxious in fact. I think that I have suppressed this for so long that I am slipping a little bit. For example, on Friday I found myself looking at stuff I really shouldn't. It wasn't porn, but I was looking for trouble. I can examine my heart and see that it is a problem.

I also have put on a few pounds in the past few weeks. I can think of times when I nibble at work when I don't really need to nibble. I'm still faithful in my exercise, but I need to stay faithful in my eating too.

I'm just trying to find "It" again, if that is the label you want to put on it. I need to get that zeal back and I don't think it will happen without some prayer, possibly some fasting, and a commitment to devouring the Word. Would you pray for me?

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