Friday, April 21, 2006


Marriage is all about compromise and adjustment. When you're dating and engaged you see your differences as things that will complement each other. When you're married they are things that can often turn into frustrations. Amanda often gets frustrated that I operate linearly and if something slows down a project for me I will often stop. She, on the other hand, tends to take more of a shotgun approach to getting things done. This means that she will often have several things almost done and then in one big whoosh will get them all done.

We have a tea coming up at church this Saturday and Amanda got the job of organizing the table hostesses. This requires significant planning and stress since, as a rule, people are flaky. Amanda will host a table and since we have so much tea stuff she will also provide china for anyone who needs it.

I set my alarm late this morning because I gave blood yesterday. It went off at 5:15 and I started to get out of bed around 5:30. It turns out that Amanda was wide-awake and had been since 3:00 AM. When I went downstairs I discovered that she had spent the night polishing silver, washing china, and doing laundry in anticipation of this tea.

I really admire this about her. When I get insomnia I tend to toss and turn. I often have long nights of the soul. My insomnia usually stems from me doing something stupid or having something weighty on my mind. When I'm really thinking I'll grab my Bible, go down to the living room, and pray through some Scripture. This seems to help. My problem is that I figure that if I get up I'll end up just staying up all night playing video games or something.

Anyhow, I think it's commendable to use that time for something useful. It sure beats wrestling with my own soul, as I tend to do so much.

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