Thursday, May 18, 2006

Moving the Boat

I wonder if perhaps I'm at a crossroads. I've finally started making some serious inquiries about seminary. Right now I'm leaning toward Shepherd's Theological Seminary here in Cary. It's affiliated with the megachurch of megachurches here in the Triangle area, Colonial Baptist. I looked at their course catalog and I like what I see so far. I also spoke to someone on the phone and they seem to hold a very high view of Scripture. One of my fears of going to seminary is that I might be expected to explain how floods in the north caused the Nile to turn red and therefore look like blood, for example.

I try to imagine what life would be like if I were in full-time ministry. Obviously my schedule would change considerably since I don't think it's an 8-5 kind of thing. Your days are probably all over the place with various things to do.

It's one big dark area that I'm actually excited about. Normally I think about doing something and it just looks like a big dark spot. This feels like a big dark spot with a hole in the middle where I can see myself day-to-day doing what I'm supposed to be doing to serve the Kingdom.

Nothing is happening yet though. I think this is a matter that requires much prayer and of course discussion with Amanda. I won't be able to do this without her support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey jason :)
pedro here.

Funny to hear you mention the megachurh of megachurches. We had one of those in Phoenix. It was generally referred to as 'The Baptodome' :)