Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Peeling off the Layers

Amanda and I made it to day 10 of our 20 day fasting course. We will eat something solid next Thursday and will start small with fruit and perhaps some salads. This has been quite a ride so far.

I've had a pretty foul attitude about this up until about today. I've spent the last week waiting to tear into a bacon cheeseburger with mushrooms. Now as I consider breaking the fast that doesn't sound so appealing. Perhaps it's partly because I remember how badly I felt when I ate too much too soon after the last time I broke this fast.

What's really awesome is that I finally am getting the spiritual benefits from this. I finally feel that closeness with God that I preach so heavily when I mentor other men through this. I'm really tired of drinking every meal. But I see each smoothie or cup of broth as sustenance. And, in the end, that is what food should be.

However, I also fear that I will fall into gnosticism. I believe that enjoying food is both good and right. God made it for us to enjoy it. However, the beauty of a fast is that we abstain from what is good in order to enjoy Something better. And nothing gets better than knowing that you depend on God to get you through every day.

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