Monday, June 26, 2006

Internal Censoring

It's interesting that as my readership expands up to maybe a dozen people I find myself censoring what I will write. I might write something that has to do with a family member and then think, "Oh, does he read my blog?"

Of course, being online means that anyone can read this. But I strongly doubt that anyone combs the internet looking for my blog. I'd like to think that there are dozens of people who care about what I think, but I'm really not that naive and I hope I'm not that narcissistic.

This whole blog thing is really fascinating to me. It started off as just some random thoughts. Then I got some encouragement from friends who also happen to be coworkers (a much smaller subset of people). Then I started to see this as a place to have fun. Then it became a place to share the gospel (the two go hand-in-hand). And so on.

I guess this really covers the whole "begin with the end in mind" mentality. If you just start something and let the river take you where it may then you don't know where you're going to end up. You might find yourself paddling against the current after it's too late. I'm sure some early explorers on the Niagra River learned that the hard way.

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