Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Finding the Balance

Yesterday ended up being an outstanding day for a variety of reasons. We finished up a good visit with my mom. The weather was nice, though warm. I finished my morning run in under 8 minutes/mile. I made my first batch of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. We had a nice dinner, though Lily put up quite a fuss (more on that here). I ended the evening with some video gaming time.

The problem is that I feel like my gumption got sucked away. I realize the need for recreation (thanks Nath!). I just worry about falling too far off the other side. One of the reasons for my persistence in discipline is so that I don't get out of my groove. There's nothing wrong with taking a break, but I find that it's very easy for me to get out of it and not get back in.

I'm really struggling with making time for my Greek like I intended to do. Hopefully putting it on my daily task list will help. Time will tell.

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