Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Special Kind of Torture

We had a team meeting today to discuss the time tracking system we use. Frankly, the system is terrible. It is a website with too much flexibility so that it is nearly impossible to get any kind of consistent reporting. I had to listen to my team kvetch about the demands that this application puts on us. I offered my opinion that if we all spent five minutes each day we could do this without any problems. Unfortunately, few are willing to do that.

I don't think that this blog can really capture how much this meeting drained me. It sort of sucked the life out of me. I think part of the problem was guilt. My manager made the point that no one works only 40 hours each week. I thought about how I typically report 40-42 hours each week, so I kept quiet about this. Basically, I have this sense that my mixed apathy and inactivity are going to be found out. Days like today make me wonder how much longer I can hang on with this company. I still want to milk it until I finish my degree, but I don't know if it will happen. I just hope that I get my rating of a 3 out of 5.

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