Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Genesis and Global Warming

I was talking to a coworker who is a believer and is also horticulturally-minded. We were talking about the cycles of rain and drought that the Raleigh area has experienced. I recalled how we had a particularly cool and wet summer in 2003. I remember because I learned about someone at my church who had put sod down in his yard and asked us to pray for rain. God seemed to answer those prayers!

We're now coming off one of our worst droughts in history. We've started to get more rain lately though. I'm not sure if we're catching up or if we're just not losing any more ground. At any rate, the rain is certainly welcome.

As I was talking to this guy I thought about the account of the feast and famine in Genesis. You may recall how Joseph came to power in Egypt because he interpreted Pharaoh's dream about the seven fat cows followed by the seven thin cows as well as the seven good ears followed by the seven lean ears.

What would Al Gore do with a modern version of this? Imagine if we had seven lean years. It would all be because of how we're polluting the world, right?

My point is that a trial always seems severe when we're in it. I jog on a hill near my house and I can tell you that it is a tough hill to go up. However, from an airplane the hill doesn't look so tough.

Let's try to keep some perspective on things.

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