Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What Matters Most

We're to the last chapter in the counseling book edited by MacArthur. The chapter is really a FAQ about biblical counseling with questions like, "Aren't biblical counselors cold, unfeeling, and mean?" There was a comment in a question about doctrine that really piqued my interest. The comment was that biblical counselors are not concerned about ecclesiology or eschatology.

This really struck home with me. Those are two issues I haven't thought much about. I guess that the method of church government is a big deal in some baptistic circles, but I don't pay it much mind. I still haven't come to any conclusions about eschatology. All the views seem to have some merit. I'm afraid that is one where it comes down to which teachers we trust.

At any rate, neither one of these has factored much into my work with SCF. I have been interested in harmatiology and soteriology, but church government and end times don't really get me that excited. I think that churches must have some structure where the pastor is accountable to some governing body. I also think that we must rejoice in the hope of Christ's triumphant return. There are times when I would certainly like to get raptured away, but I am not counting on it.

Let's focus on the gospel. The main things are the plain things and the plain things are the main things, amen?

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