Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time to Go

I just finished reading about the plagues in Exodus. God promised Moses that eventually Pharaoh would force them to leave. After the plagues they certainly did become a stench in the nose of the Egyptian leadership.

However, I think we also tend to ignore the other side of this. As we see in the desert, the Israelites looked back at Egypt with some sense of fondness. I can't help but wonder if the plagues also helped to motivate them to leave? After all, few of us really like to make that big of a change unless we absolutely have to. They had food and water. Yes, life was tough, but it was easier than some of what they faced in the wilderness.

Sometimes I wonder if God uses circumstances to show us that it is time to move. However, I also think we need to be careful with that. I think James 1 shows us that trials are for our sanctification (as does 1 Peter 1). Therefore, we shouldn't be too quick to move at the first hint of discomfort.


Gary Wood said...

Food for thought. Thank you sir.

Jason said...

Thanks for stopping by!